RingWord Frequently Asked Questions
What is a RingWord?

Simply put, a RingWord is like a domain name for your phone number. A RingWord is any word, words, phrase or slogan you choose that is easily remembered. That word, words, or phrase is associated with all of your business or personal contact information. Your “word(s)” are associated with your phone number(s), web site(s), Twitter account, Facebook account, Instagram account, videos, email addresses, and currently running advertisement.
Nobody will remember your phone number. Everyone will remember your RingWord.

What can I do with a RingWord?

Increase your business and sales. Instead of wasting precious air time advertising your phone number, (that no one will remember anyway) get a RingWord. Your RingWord is memorable. It describes your company, your product, your service or you. Customers will remember it and can easily find out how to contact you. Don’t spend half your budget advertising this: 1888-555-7362, advertise this: RingWord “flowers”

Radio advertisers in particular will find they have more time to advertise their product or service and their customers will remember how to reach them, by RingWord. Customers will be pleased because they aren’t berated by phone numbers and they will be able to find you and your products.


Always be available to your friends, family, and associates with a cool RingWord. Change your phone? Have a new number? Update your profile and your family can always reach you. Will people remember your number: 630-555-1375 or Bob?

Don’t want Internet trolls to get your phone number or e-mail address? No problem. Simply password protect it. Only those with the password for each item can decrypt it. Simply tell your family and friends your cell phone password, and they can always reach you. You can password protect your various contact methods with the same or different passwords. Very easy and always updatable.

Website Redirect:

So you missed out on the Internet domain name boom. All the good domain names are in use, or someone bought them and they want a million dollars for the domain you need. No problem. Get the RingWord you want, that describes your business, product or you. Have it automatically redirect to any domain name you can get. It doesn’t have to be a .com and your cool new RingWord will automatically send customers to your site.

Imagine you sell candy, particularly Jelly Beans. You can’t get the JellyBeans.com domain name because it’s already taken. You "might" be able to buy it, but you can’t afford it. The owner wants a million dollars for it. You were able to get MyJellyBeanStore7.com. Get RingWord “JellyBeans” and auto-redirect it to your site. Your customers simply type RingWord.com/JellyBeans in their browser and your site pops up instantly.

How will I know it’s working?

On your RingWord account page we have included counters for the number of times your RingWord is viewed or redirected to your own web site. Of course we can’t count the increased number of times your phone rings, but you already know that.

Can I have a Profile AND Website Redirect?

Yes. You always have a profile if you purchased a word. Of course you have to fill in your contacts and add an image if you want one. When you add Website Redirect to your account, anyone entering RingWord.com/YourRingWord in their browser address bar will be automatically redirected to the site you entered when you set up Website Redirect. However, anyone going to RingWord.com and entering your RingWord in the search field, will pull up your RingWord Profile. Simple as that.

Is this for Business only?

No. Anyone can have a RingWord word. Most people don’t remember phone numbers. A personal RingWord can always be remembered. Your friends and family simply remember your RingWord and they can reach you.

If I purchase a RingWord, do I own it?

RingWord “word(s)” are referred to simply as words and word registrants are frequently referred to as RingWord word owners, although RingWord registration with RingWord.com does not confer any legal ownership of the RingWord, only an exclusive right of use for a particular duration of time.

Can someone take my RingWord?

As long as you keep your account up to date, and abide by our terms, your RingWord is yours.

Can I sell my RingWord?

You may sell your RingWord, but only through our service. This protects the Seller and the Buyer. You can arrange to purchase a RingWord already owned by someone through your “Offer Center” available via drop-down in your account. If someone has contacted you to buy your word, you may accept, reject, or propose a counteroffer.

You may also put your RingWord up for auction on our RingWordAuction.com site.

* A 20% fee is charged to the Seller for every RingWord sold via the Offer Center, or by RingWordAuction.com. The RingWord sold will NOT be transferred to the new owner until all parties have been paid. Proof of payment to the Seller is required prior to transfer. Anyone circumventing the honest sale of a RingWord will lose their registration privileges and will forfeit their RingWord. Please report any and all suspected problems to RingWord Inc.

What is a Premium Word?

A premium word is designated by RingWord Inc. as a high value word, much like a short .com name.

Why are some words reserved?

Some words are considered inappropriate, derogatory, or hurtful. We have removed many of them. We do not allow this type of word on our site when we can avoid it. Some words have been reserved by RingWord Inc. for use with broadcasting companies and are currently not available for sale. This may change in the future and we will update our members with any changes as they occur.

How much does a RingWord cost?

Most of our RingWords are $14.00 per year. Your year starts on the date of purchase.